A healing herb: Contend

  • Even in the natural, sometimes you have to fight for peace. It's that way in the spiritual too. Jesus said "my peace I give to you." Therefore we know we have peace, but sometimes it doesn't feel like it. In my quiet time, I set aside time to wait before the Lord. This morning, when I was trying to quiet my heart, a million thoughts kept coming into my mind. I recognized them as an attack of the enemy. I started battling and they would go away for a while and then come back. I knew, in my heart, that peace was one of my rights as a blood bought daughter of the King. Something rose up within me  and the resistance just made me more determined. All at once,  the most profound peace settled on me. I feel like God is trying to tell me don't give up! When the battle is most fierce, it's just before the breakthrough. Hang on and you will see the most amazing victory. 
