May Wiser, Cooler Heads Prevail in 2024! You’d been offered the red PILL, not the red HURRICANE!

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Songdove Books - Darkened Ally

2024. . . It used to be, what seems like many years ago now, that welcoming the start of a new year was met with anticipation, resolutions, thanksgiving for all that went right in the past year and looking forward to what the coming year would bring. Graduations, births, weddings, promotions, new jobs, new homes, and that’s just scratching the surface. . . But after 4 years of intense efforts to turn life upside down around the modern world in as many ways in as many facets of life as possible, the result is a collective outlook on the new year in a manner that combines pattern recognition, survival skill adoption, and a snowball of ever-wilder theories and distrust of everyone and everything.

It seems that not only did mainstream media, mainstream medical, and government toss out tried and tested science in March of 2020, but many who got disillusioned with those three institutions tossed out the same science as well. In the world of health subjects, medicinal teachings born out of religious context have moved from the fringes to practically bullying their way onto centre stage of anyone running from mainstream medicine. This is resulting in people tossing out any and all science that ever pointed to the concept of germs, bacteria, viruses, as if the scientists who made such discoveries are to be ripped out of the textbooks, journals and paper repositories as crafty slight-of-hand artists! We won’t mention that ages before the concept of modern science or modern medicine, doctors and herbalists in ancient times wrote about how to deal with health issues that sound remarkably similar to what is now being tossed on the burn heap of disillusionment.

Mainstream media is now seen as just another acting studio, churning out fake news intended to hoodwink the masses. It doesn’t help that CNN was well on it’s way to earning this award well over a decade before 2020 landed on our heads. That “news” station has been caught far too many times trying to fabricate imagery and “live” footage to back up their view of whatever the news story is of the day. Unfortunately, this means that the odd reporter who actually does manage to get a truthful story out in mainstream news, is now seen as suspect, and any truthful reporting ever done since the age of television began, is now seen as nothing more than historical untruth. People are believing stranger things now than they were when I was a kid, simply because their distrust of modern media means they can’t reconcile anything that had been shared over media as any sort of truth.

Songdove Books - a KingThe collusion of governments against their own people around the world has been a rude surprise for anyone who thought their governments were there for their benefit. Unfortunately, governments in western civilization had begun to tarnish that image as far back as 2008. Non-democratic nations have known for decades that government isn’t always there for your benefit, but those in western nations who did not wake up from 2008 to 2020, discovered the hard way just how dangerous even democratic governments can be. I regret to observe that too many in these nations still believe the government is there for their benefit, and may die never waking up to the truth. Protests and petitions however, as polite and law-abiding as some of them have been over the past 4 years, aren’t changing the political landscape as much as they anticipate. I cheer for the Netherlands, Hungary, and other nations where the people have managed to bring in centrist or right-wing governments who want to halt the global tyranny threatening those nations. But while this battle seems less idealistic than the other two, with less benefit being thrown out alongside the trash to the burn heap. It bothers me to see the idealism being put forward by many of the so-called right-wing politicians. The way some of them are handling their voted-in positions and mandates, still sounds globalistic, just in a different way.

Even the world of retail, business and materialism has made drastic changes in the last 4 years, aided by educational institutions where people train to join these avenues of life. Here, we have seen an all-out assault against traditional family values that shaped many western countries for the better. The dismantling of the traditional family over the past 30 to 50 years (because the beginnings of this breakdown were celebrated in the late ’60’s) has been a huge part of the breakdown of western society. But since 2020, the assault has stepped into full-on war on the family, and not just the family unit, but the ability of the human race to procreate and multiply to allow younger generations to replace older generations and continue the human foot print on this planet. We have environmental groups now, warning intergovernmental agencies that human exhalation is a threat to ecological health!

Songdove Books - Rocky PathWas it really necessary to toss the baby out with the bathwater in all these facets of life since 2020? Was it really necessary??? Discovering that government is trying to do you in doesn’t mean abolishing government or putting on blinders. Discovering that media had been lying on one hand, shaping public opinion on another hand, and contributing to the demise of the family on the third hand doesn’t mean that every single thing you ever learned was a lie! Is history written by the victor? Yes it is! But when you find materials that were NOT written by the victor, telling a similar story, does that mean they are lying too??? There are times when both the loser and the victor tell the same story from opposite perspectives, often, with the loser trembling in their boots that if the victor finds out they shared their side of the story, they’ll be killed. Sadly, history records this happening. Does this mean all the monuments ever erected should be torn down because people can’t trust the history they were taught??? NO!

There is a saying: Let cool heads prevail. When we allow ourselves to get swept up into the frenzy of discovery that if we were lied to once, then it’s all a lie, we are no better off than those who bought the lies that were indeed told, and who go along with them. Discord is part of the way that societies get destroyed. Divide and conquer is another saying that applies quite strongly here! Get people fighting each other on ideological grounds and they’ll be too engrossed in proving the other person a fraud to pick up a weapon against the real enemy!

I can think of various events over the decades that had both real and contrived elements to them, and the news and governments used the real as cover for the contrived, or used the contrived to cover up for the real, and in pretty much every event I can think of, people tossing those events out as nothing more than 100% contrived are just as much in the wrong as those who crafted and published the lies to begin with. This is because of a few understandings gleaned from Scripture:

1) When the truth is distorted, even just a little, people can be made to question the truth and die. Too many are now questioning truth because they are suddenly seeing a lie behind every doorway.
2) God expressly told His people never to tear down monuments, but to remember why they were there and tell their children, so that the lessons learned would never be forgotten.
3) Various conditions God gave cures for in Scripture, would eventually be studied by others both while Scripture was being written and on into modern times, and the methods of treatment back then still work today. Because modern science backs up Scriptural and historical understandings, we should not be tossing out scientific discovery just because governments joined corporations to start pushing junk science to advance harmful agendas.

It would appear that the string pullers have been rather successful in tearing at the very fabric of civilized society such that if you still believe science, medicine, the traditional family, faith, and history have anything good to contribute, you’re considered a lost cause. Conversely, if you have tossed all that to the wind, you are now seen as a progressive, and a stalwart of the values you threw out the window without calling them that because of your aversion to the lies others had wrapped around them.

I am greatly saddened by this turn of events. Junk science isn’t all there is to science. Twisted medicine isn’t all there is to medicine and you don’t have to go to the dark arts to rediscover useful medicine. The dark arts would actually appear to be fuelling modern medicine’s push with synthetic drugs and vaccines. This push however, shouldn’t be seen as permission to run to those same sources thinking their use of the word “natural” is better than “synthetic”. God says in His Word that good and bad governments rise and fall at His command, and that bad governments are often punishment on a nation for that nation’s collective choices. God also says that in the last days, the enemy of our souls and his henchmen in the spiritual world, will influence mankind to challenge God, try to put in a one world government, and push Israel into the sea. God tells us how this will end in the books of Daniel, Ezekiel, Joel, Hosea, Revelation, Matthew 24, and other passages in the New Testament as well.

Songdove Books - Author's Bible open to Psalm119-9What many are waking up to realize whether they have tossed the baby out with the bathwater or tried to hold onto sanity by embracing the truth while spitting out the lies, is that we are in a battle between good and evil like nothing the world has ever seen before! This sort of battle has been waged on smaller regional levels, but hasn’t been spread as widely around the world at the same time since before the Great Flood! The only sure-fire way to escape what is going on, will be to have Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour! Clinging to the objectivity found in God’s Word will put you at odds with others who say they are fellow believers, and it may get you killed by governmental or intergovernmental forces. But the battle between good and evil is going to decide the eternal fate of billions of people, with the goal of the enemy to send as many into hell as he can. The biggest and longest-term rebellion you can mount, is to accept Jesus as your Saviour, read your Bible asking the Holy Spirit to lead you into living it out, and enter eternity on God’s side of the battle. Why? Because God wins! We as mere humans can’t win the earthly skirmishes on our own. We can be as idealistic or as spiritual as we want, but without Jesus as our righteousness, we’ll end up on the losing side regardless.

Therefore, it is my desire as we enter 2024, to see my readers choose objectivity over wild conspiracy; choose historical fact over sensationalized theory; choose God’s ways over earthly ways; seek the Holy Spirit for wisdom, insight, understanding, foresight, and discernment to know how to live in these darkening days.

While the blue pill of deceit is an easy pill to swallow for too many out there, it would appear that swallowing the red pill has been sending people over the opposite edge as well. So many can’t handle, can’t fathom, and can’t reconcile that they had been lied to and now think everything and anything they ever learned were lies and now rush out in all directions for anything that sounds sufficiently different to claim as truth. Truth still exists. Useful, empirical knowledge still exists. Not everything you learned was a lie! Let us get back to objective perspectives on what is going on, what is real, and what is fabricated and fake. If you don’t know who to trust anymore, go to God. As Scripture says, He cannot deny Himself and has given us the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truth.

I will end with a verse from Proverbs:

Proverbs 3:5-8  Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  6  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.  7  Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil.  8  It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.

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