When Sleeper Cells Arise. . . Will You Be Ready???

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This has been on my own radar for at least two decades now! I’ve repeatedly warned to anyone who will listen, NOT to initiate a civil war in the USA, because if they do, groups on the sidelines will take over and it won’t be who or what anyone wants on either side of the civil war! These groups have been waiting in the wings a long time, and to call them sleeper cells is wise, because that is what they are. The recently blown-open border in the last couple years isn’t helping the situation. The all-out destruction of the Biblical concept of marriage and family in recent years is also a perfect setup for obliteration of up to 1/3rd (seemingly) of the US population should those in the wings succeed in taking over.

of aerial concernWhen the WEF said they wanted to change the face of the west, when they said they wanted to undo what they deem to be years and centuries of white colonialism, I’m not sure they realized what would happen to not just the “face” of the west, but the functional, religious, educational and militaristic institutions as well. This is because the change of face is being led by two fronts. The hispanic/central American influx was just the tip of the iceburg and multiple sources now say illegals are flooding in from muslim countries, chinese-interest-controlled countries, and even China itself. Those of us who have had dreams where we see foreign soldiers in the street of oriental description are sitting up and taking notice. Those weren’t dreams! They were forecasts of what is coming!

Now, considering who made the following warning:

“This comes on the heels of Wray’s previous remarks in late October warning that terror sleeper cells sympathetic to Hamas or Iran could “conduct attacks here on our own soil.””

It is reasonable to assume that the Deep State the FBI belongs to, will have blood on their hands when the uprisings finally happen and the groups in the wings take over. How well the Deep State itself survives the uprising remains to be seen as well, because they are merely useful pawns in the hands of those who want to take over America! They are allowed to feel they have some control, some sway, and some leverage. . . for now! But they too need to be looking over their shoulders now. Because the groups they think are doing the bidding of the Deep State, are taking up positions in and around the USA, that will obliterate any three-letter agency that doesn’t fall in line once they take over. The Deep State seems oblivious to the fact that these sleeper cells believe wholeheartedly in “take no prisoners”, and the mental/emotional/physical/social abuse suffered by Israeli hostages at the hands of Hamas, reveals psychological warfare that aims to destroy as well, leaving behind living husks where there were once people.

Songdove Books - Cross in the cloudsThe string pullers aren’t as safe as they currently think they are. The relative tolerance that’s been pushed since the early ’90’s on North American and western populations is setting up those populations for easy knock-offs once the groups in the wings take hold. Only those who know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour will be safe when that day comes. That safety won’t be in the form of physical safety necessarily, don’t misunderstand me here. God tells us in His Word not to fear he who can kill the body, that’s the enemy of our souls and all who follow him. We are told to fear He who can kill the body and soul in hell, which is God Himself, and as believers we have moved from children of wrath, to children of light. Therefore, the safety I speak of will be that of the safety of mind, soul and spirit. If they kill us, they have only killed the body, they can’t harm us any further because they sent us on to a far better place against their better judgement.

But for those who choose not to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, choosing instead to lead a life that is acceptable to the public as it stands right now. . . those will face the greatest threats both in life and in death. This is because the groups waiting in the wings are largely Islamic in nature, and lifestyles acceptable to the current public are anathema to the muslim religion! Their holy book says to kill those who lead alternative lifestyles! This is serious stuff!

It is important, if you haven’t already, to get right with God, to accept His gift of Salvation if you haven’t yet done so, and to ensure your loved ones have as well. Life as we know it in the western world is hurtling headlong toward this eventual showdown, and when it happens, it will shock the world! You want to be sure that you know where you will go when you die, and that your choice was heaven prior to death because after death, you can’t change your choice of destination. The choice is to be made now while you are in your God-given body.

The string pullers think they know what they are doing. But I have a strong suspicion they will not be ready for what rises up against them, and the sources of that uprising. They are blinded by their own world domination goals. I urge you to wake up, and set your spiritual life in order before it’s too late!

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