Photo 42 of 44 in Wall Photos

Many of my friends know about my #nontoxicliving journey. It’s not a coincidence that my skin looks the best it ever has (especially in this 50 something body). Y’all know I continually say what you put into your body and on your body will show it’s evidence to you later.

So I’m completely pumped that the company I am 100% all about is going to be offering some KILLER Black Friday specials. ᕼOᗯᗴᐯᗴᖇ aware that the limited edition items (and so much more) will S͟E͟L͟L͟ O͟U͟T͟!͟

So please comment below and I will send you a detailed list of #allthethings as soon as they make them known.

PS....that bar of Man Soap should be on every woman’s husbands list. It brings out all the warm snuggly feelings when you catch a whiff of it on your mans skin.

Sylvia Grace's Album: Wall Photos