Recent Entries

  • A Healing Herb: Healing Authority

    God has given us authority on the earth as His sons and daughters. Luke 9:1"Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases." This verse tells us planely that we have the power and authority to heal diseases. When Jesus went to Pe...
  • A Healing Herb: Perfect Submission

    I saw a picture of Jesus bowing before the Father. I had a knowing that, that was the key to the power that flowed through Jesus's life on the earth. Our submission to the Father and those in authority over us is the key to seeing signs and wonders. Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing. How c...
  • A Healing Herb: Hidden Treasure

    You are God's hidden treasure. You were designed and prepared for such a time as this. You have been placed in this moment in time by God Himself. He has a purpose and plan for your life. No matter your age, whether young or old, living in this time is a very great privilege. Remember who you are. Y...
  • A Healing Herb: Eye of a Needle

    Camel and needle is what I heard this morning. At first I thought I should write about how,  when I was a new believer, I learned that Jesus was talking about a gate in Jerusalem called 'The Eye of a Needle'. It was so narrow that, to pass through, you had to unload the baggage on the Camel bef...
  • A Healing Herb: Hungry Barn Cat

    When we lived in Arkansas, we had a barn. To keep the mice under control around all that grain, we had a barn cat. She was an awesome hunter and did her job well. One day my children and I were at the barn. There was a bird nest on one of the rafters. We watched as one of the baby birds fell from ...
  • A Healing Herb: God Is Absolutely Good

    I had always heard that God uses problems in our lives to teach and train us. If that is true, how does that stack up with God being absolutely good? Does He give us the problems? I asked Father to please explain how it works so that I could understand it. He showed me it's like a parent telling the...
  • A Healing Herb: Imitation

    The other day my husband and I were taking a walk. I kept hearing a beep that sounded like a phone notification. It was not my husband's phone and I didn't have my phone with me.  The sound was persistent. It seemed to coincide with our steps.I asked my husband if that was his new shoes. He sai...
  • A Healing Herb: Penmanship

    When I went to college, my penmanship was fairly neat. In the hurry to take notes, it became very messy. Sometimes I couldn't even read it. As soon as I got saved, I started keeping a journal. At first, it was mostly to write down the cute things my young children said and did. It gradually became m...
  • A Healing Herb: Need to Control

    Many years ago we had just moved. We had two horses. We rented stalls for them at the fairgrounds. There were inside stalls and stalls with outside access. I thought that the inside would be better, so, when there was an opening, we moved our horses inside. I pretty much forced the issue. I didn't e...
  • A Healing Herb: Choose to Forgive

    Forgiveness is not a feeling or an emotion. In fact, usually, when you have been hurt or wronged, the last thing you feel like doing is to forgive. Forgiveness is a choice. Just like accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior is a choice. You can choose what is right even when it is hard. Who do you wa...
  • A healing herb: The Baggage Train

    We are moved! It's good to be back with you. A few days ago I saw a vision. I was standing on a runway waiting for my baggage. There were a lot of people waiting with me. I saw a forklift coming to pick up our baggage. I knew it would take quite a few trips to get all of it. While I was watchin...
  • A healing herb: grafted

    Years ago my favorite tree was a grafted apple tree. It had three different types of apples on it. It had an apple that was good for cooking, an apple that was good for eating, and an apple that was good for freezing or canning. All three apples matured at different times. I  had apples during ...
  • A healing herb: sandburs

    I grew up in a place where there was a lot of sand. Unfortunately, where there is sand, there are sandburs. My brothers and I played outside a lot. Sandburs would get stuck to the bottom of our shoes. They would be so thick on our shoestrings that they would make a solid mass. We would pick them out...
  • A healing herb: Plans

    While I was waiting before the Lord this morning,  the Father started showing me a series of scenes, during my life, where He was at work to bring about His plans for me. I was struck by how He was there at critical junctions.  He made sure that the pathway was open for me, if I chose to g...
  • A healing herb: Contend

    Even in the natural, sometimes you have to fight for peace. It's that way in the spiritual too. Jesus said "my peace I give to you." Therefore we know we have peace, but sometimes it doesn't feel like it. In my quiet time, I set aside time to wait before the Lord. This morning, when I was trying to ...
  • A healing herb: Serpents and Doves

    Jesus told us, when we are dealing with people in the world,  to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. (Matthew 10:16) As we all know, the world is a mess today. What is good is spoken of as evil and evil is spoken of as good. Everything is upside down. What is our responsibility as a Chri...
  • A healing herb: Regrets

    For years I had regrets about things I had done in my life. I had confessed any sin involved, but the the thoughts of regret still came up at unexpected times. I will give you an example. I was visiting my daughter and son-in-law years ago and he was telling me about a key chain his mother had that ...
  • A healing herb: Testimony

    When I was twenty-nine, I lived in my home state of Oklahoma. I had two little girls. The oldest one was three years old and the youngest was three months old. My husband's job moved us to Arkansas. I had my hands full with two little ones. I was suffering from baby blues and could barely take care ...
  • A healing herb: Widgets

    A widget in the computer world is an application you can use to take you to more information with one click. My favorite widget is the weather. I like weather. I like to know how to dress for the day. I like to know if I need an umbrella or a heaver coat. I use my weather widget every morning. Would...
  • A healing herb: Peace

    Our God is so good to us. This week we had to go to the emergency room. My husband had sharp pains in his stomach. Even though it could have been anything, I still had peace. We have such a good, good Father! He loves us so much. He provides peace even in scary situations. My husband is home and doi...
  • A healing herb: Warhorse

    When we are a child and we want to learn how to ride a horse, it is common practice to start with a pony. Ponys are gentle and are comfortable being ridden by children. They are smaller than a horse, so there is a shorter distance to the ground. This lessens the chance of the child getting hurt when...
  • A healing herb: The crystal bowl

    I have a beautiful crystal bowl. It sparkles in the morning sunlight. It's clear and reflects the light in bright patterns all around it. When something bumps into it, it gives a sweet bell- like sound. We are like this bowl. We have the light of  Jesus inside of us. We sparkle in the Sonlight....
  • A healing herb: Pizza

    We usually stop by after Church on Sunday and pick up a Pizza on the way home. Last Sunday it was bitterly cold with snow and slick roads so Church was canceled. We decided to cook a Pizza from our freezer. We put it in the oven and set the timer. Before the timer went off, I smelled the Pizza and i...
  • A healing herb: Working Together

    I saw a very unusual video. It looked like a huge red barn was walking down the road. It was as big as a warehouse. There was a man in front directing where to go. I looked closer and there were men inside the barn around the edges. They had picked up the barn and walked it to a new location. I thou...
  • A healing herb: my dog

    I have a dog named Silk. Sometimes I learn some very important spiritual lessons by watching what she does. When my daughter was here for Christmas she made the comment, "I have never seen a dog look someone in the eye like that." I said it's because that's the way I trained her. When I was thinking...
  • Rosemary-a healing herb

    Years ago I had a vision. I was standing at the door of a room that was filled with boxes. There were big boxes, little boxes, and boxes of all sizes and shapes. While I was looking at the boxes, I realized that there was light coming from somewhere in the middle. I walked around to see where the li...