• Trials often precede Promotion (Daniel 1-5)




    Daniel had survived being taken from his homeland Israel and moving to Babylon.  I am sure that he experienced culture and even religious shock of it all.  However, he had purposed his heart not to eat the food from the King’s table.  He ate God’s way and was promoted. 


    He was threatened with death because no one knew the answer to Nebuchanezzar’s dream of the statue but with God’s help, he survived by interpreting the dream and was promoted.


    The new King Beltshazzar was doing things his way when God interrupted the party and started writing on the wall and the Queen remembered that Daniel was a dream interpreter and he interprets the dream and was promoted.


    You would have thought by now that surely Daniel had suffered enough.  Surely it was time to sit at ease and relax, he had had enough, but he was to go through his greatest trial yet.


    Key thought: Believers often go through seasons of trials.  The trials come to test our faith and develop character.  Some of those times are not our best moments because we get frustrated, vexed, troubled, worried and impatient while wondering how long this will take.  However, we must always remember that during those times we are to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus who constantly gives us the wisdom to make the right decisions during those times. 


