I have a dog named Silk. Sometimes I learn some very important spiritual lessons by watching what she does. When my daughter was here for Christmas she made the comment, "I have never seen a dog look someone in the eye like that." I said it's because that's the way I trained her. When I was thinking about that statement, I realized that's the same way God is training me. He doesn't get angry when I mess up. He says let's try that again. Then He waits to see what I will do. As I make mistakes, He helps me to understand what I did wrong. He gives me another chance and waits to see what I will do. He rewards me when I get it right and lets me practice again when I need to. With Silk, I reward her with food. Therefore she is constantly looking at me to see if I am going to give her something. I train her everyday and, when she gets it wrong, I wait and she realizes she needs to make a change. That causes her to look at me to see if I am pleased. Psalm 145:15 "The eyes of all look expectantly to You, and You give them their food in due season."