A Healing Herb: The Little White Book

  • I had a dream about a little white book I read many years ago. It was about five inches tall and about three inches wide. The cover was all white and it was filled with testimonies from a missionary in China. She was in China during the Boxer rebellion. It was a time of danger and chaos. Many Christians were being tortured and murdered. In the book, she witnessed God's supernatural provision and protection during the time she was a missionary. One of the accounts was about how she and some other Christians were gathered together in their compound praying all night, while their city was being attacked. They could hear screaming in the streets and see fires burning. They dreaded the eventual pounding on the door and being dragged into the street to die. They kept praying until they fell asleep. When they woke up in the morning all was quiet. The marauders were gone. A neighbor came over and knocked on their door and told them about the huge, fearce, glowing warriors they had seen standing on the roof of the compound during the attack. She said, “The murderers were afraid to come down our street because of the ‘guards’. As I woke up, I heard the words, “Remember the little white book.” Today we live in a world full of chaos and confusion. No matter how bad or scary it gets, know that God has been faithful in the past and He will always be faithful. We can trust Him. He will never leave us or forsake us. He will make His face shine upon us and give us peace. When you are tempted to be afraid, I encourage you to “remember the little white book”. 
