A Healing Herb: Hidden Things

  • I was waiting before the Lord and I saw a vision of two buildings. One had three stories and the other was two stories high. Between the buildings was a green manicured knoll. As I watched, two arms of what looked like some kind of a machine reached towards the beautiful, quiet, green knoll. The arms went through the grass and under the knoll. I was shocked when they came back out carrying a huge amount of debris. It looked like large chunks of dirt and concrete that had been hidden underneath the grass. I thought, “Why would anyone hide this mess instead of cleaning it up before they planted the grass?” I wouldn't have thought there was anything there before the arms came and exposed it. I believe we are coming into a time of great exposure. The things that we thought were normal will be exposed for what they really are. It may be painful to find out that what we have always accepted as truth is a lie. Remember who God is. He is Truth. No lie can stand in His presence. He doesn't bury the truth. He always cleans up the mess before He builds something beautiful. 
