A Healing Herb: Bright Copper Pennies

  • I had a dream on October 5, 2024. I was standing on the shore,  in the edge, of the water. The crystal, clear water was swirling gently around my feet. I looked down and, on  the bottom, I saw a bright, shiny, copper penny laying partly under the sand. I bent down and picked it up.  I was looking at it in my hand and wondering how it could look so new after being in the salt water. The scene changed and I was in what looked like a living room with carpet. I looked down and saw two bright,  copper pennies about eighteen inches apart at my feet. Next, I was standing on a cluttered sidewalk and spotted another new penny and picked it up. By then I was getting quite a collection of pennies. I said to myself, “I wonder why I keep finding new pennies wherever I go?” Then I woke up. I thought about and asked the Lord what this could mean for a few days. I believe we are coming into a time of finding beautiful, new things from the Lord. When we see these things we will be attracted to them because they will look like they don't belong in the places we see them. I think the Lord is saying, “Don't be afraid to pick up the gifts I have laid at your feet. They are meant to bless you. They may not look very valuable, but they are treasures indeed.” Copper in the Bible represents the brightness of Jesus's perfection.
