While I was waiting before the Lord this morning, He started showing me many times that He has protected me in the past. One of the times when I was eight or nine years old came to mind. I had been milking the cow in the morning for a while, but the old gentle cow was gone and we had a new younger cow. This was the first time I had milked her by myself. When I started to milk her, she somehow got out of the milking stanchion used to secure her head while she was being milked. She came after me. I jumped back into the corner of the stall. She tried to gore me with her horns. Her hornes hit the corner of the stall on each side of me. She kept trying to get to me until my dog jumped between me and her and bit her nose and ran her off. I was very shaken, but alright. This was just one of the times that God has protected me over the years. I know all of us can remember times that we were miraculously saved from harm. I think we are coming into a time when we will see God protecting us in miraculous ways again. Don't be fearful. Remember who our God is. He is not limited by time or place. He will protect you as only the Lord of the universe can. You are perfectly safe in His everlasting arms.