Dear Father in heaven, as Your children we come into Your presence so that You may lead us with the light that streams out from You. We come to Your light seeking an inner birth to make us what Your children ought to be. Bless us as we thank You for all Your goodness and for the powerful help You have given many among us. Accept the thanks we offer You, and grant that we never forget the good You are doing for us. Help us to go forward, always forward, until Your kingdom is completed. May it not be in vain that we live in the Saviour Yahvahosha and in love to You, Yahvah and Father of all. May it not be in vain that we bring You our requests and prayers for Your kingdom to come soon. Yes, Yahvahosha, come! Come soon to this earth so that all people may acknowledge the true Yahvah and may love You. Hahheluyah.