About My Birthday

  • For all those that thought it was my B-day already, it is  not until Wednesday. Thank you for the wishes.

    But I really do not keep the day, but I know you all meant well.

    So again thank you.


  • Apostle T
    Apostle T Dec 25th never came about until 325 A.D. The Catholics came up with the Saviour birthday. If you go from the time Mary visited Elisabeth at 6 month and go forward to the time the Saviour was born it would be at the Feast of Tabernacles Oct 5th. Remember...  more
    July 16, 2020 - Report
  • Crystal Roeden
    Crystal Roeden All of that is a bit academic for me, that's why I need folks like you :) Thank you for the info.
    July 16, 2020 - Report
  • Crystal Roeden
    Crystal Roeden Interesting that the Lord would be born on a festival honoring the time in the desert.........with his tabernacle that he set among the people.
    July 16, 2020 - Report
  • Apostle T
    Apostle T Good Morning Sis. Roden, Understand the who Feast of the 7th Jewish month Tishiri, our Sept-Oct. Because the months over lap the Jewish 7th mohth. First we have the 1st day of the Seventh month which is Trumpets, then you have 10 days later the Day of...  more
    July 17, 2020 - Report