SECRETS OF LIFE (R) 10-16-23

  • SECRETS OF LIFE 10-16-23
    "Pleasure does not provide purpose. Human beings want to collect and pursue
    their thousands of pleasures, excitements and mental stimulations, all in
    the unseen false assumption that if you collect enough pleasures, they will
    somehow harden into purpose. That is, they believe that a hardened mass of
    excitements, of things to look forward to, will somehow magically turn into
    a reassuring purpose that the individual is heading in the right direction
    toward good results. It can never happen.
    The pleasures of this world are the pleasures of this world. You can build
    a purpose, to be sure, in spending all your time making money and making
    plans for your social advancement; but if you call them purpose, call them
    a true destination, you will have deceived yourself without realizing it,
    because you yourself, the individual himself has placed the word purposeful
    life, meaningful life, worthwhile life on his accumulation of pleasures,
    and he has lied to himself and he will suffer terribly.
    The pleasures that are so freely offered and accepted from the financial
    world and the social world and the romantic world, all those pleasures are
    lures, temptations sent out to snare the weak and the foolish and the
    gullible and the dishonest.
    It is now time for you, as a spiritual student, to realize the mistake you
    have made in thinking that you can create any kind of a good for yourself,
    anything that's satisfying, including a sense of fulfillment, of
    I've asked you to do something that is marvelously daring, that has the
    first seed of true purpose in it. I've asked you to be more than
    suspicious. I've asked you to ask the question, 'Can anything good come out
    of my mind the way it operates now, the level, the low-level that my whole
    psychic system operates on? Can anything good come out of that?' No!"
        from a talk given 5/7/1989
      V, H.'s Higher World - MP3 CD Volume 27, talk 679, track 25
