"All fear - all fear - is caused by not knowing who you really are. You
already have a tremendous opportunity to get to the point of your life,
which is self-rescue.
Let's talk a minute about not getting to the point. You haven't got to
the point; if you had, you'd be on your way, you'd be discovering
something new and shocking about yourself every five minutes. And then,
you'd got to the point of what's going on inside you by trying to
understand what it's all about, instead of interpreting it in egotistical
self-serving and harmful ways. Getting to the point means, that no matter
what is revealed to you about yourself or the outer world, means you never,
never waver. You never hesitate to do what you have to do, you're always
alert, you know there's gold out there and you don't want to miss one
tiny bit of it.
There is nothing you have to do, except understand. And I gave you a point
to understand a minute ago, which is, you are terrified and confused and
wobbly, because you don't know who you really are."
from a talk given 8/9/1991
V. H.'s Higher World - MP3 CD Volume 31, talk 780, track 25