• SECRETS OF LIFE 11--30-2023
    "Haven't you noticed the feeling inside of you of how much better off other
    people are than you? And you don't know that they are looking at you and
    saying the very same. Maybe you're young and poor and they're looking at
    you and saying, if only I was as young as that person or as nice looking or
    as healthy or with that witty conversation or that appearance of poise and
    in command. How pathetic everyone looks around to someone else and says, if
    only I had what they had. And if you had it you would still feel left out.
    Look it's very fundamental, very basic. The feeling of missing out - now
    get this down as a primary point - the feeling, any feeling you have of
    missing out is a lie. It's a hoax because you don't belong to this world."
        Teachings by V. H.  DVD # 36, talk 1
