Father, Yahvah, We are very thankful for this the Sabbath Day, where we can come to worship and praise you this day. Where we can come together with our brothers and sisters and we can thank you for letting hosannas rise from people's hearts and for letting us cry out to you all the more fervently in dark times. Help us, O Almighty Yahvah, and help your king, Yahvahosha the Messiah, to his final victory. For he shall be victor, bringing grace, peace, life, and victory for all that is good, on earth as in heaven. He shall be victor at all times in our lives, enabling us to keep faith in trouble, fear, and need, yes, even in death. Hosanna to the victor, Yahvahosha the Messiah, the victor you have chosen! O Almighty Yahvah, proclaim him on earth. Let all the people know he is on his way, to the majesty of your name. Halleluyah!