"Where do you suppose all this agitation and distress come from? Come on
now, don't you dare say it comes from that horrible world out there. It is
a horrible world, no doubt about that. What do you suppose makes it
horrible? Could it be that you and you and you and you are contributing to
the horror of it? Could it be that the warfare that's going on inside of
you extends itself outwardly into warfare out in that social world? You
know we're not necessarily talking about a battlefield, although that's
included, but the warfare in that home, the fighting and the cruel hurting
of each other, the sniping at each other.
Well, what do you expect when human beings are machines, just as you are?
How can you possibly expect circumstances to be any different when you are
the same all the time? You'd better drop those kind of expectations because
they are leading you in the wrong direction.
Now, if you can't find security in your usual pursuits, in your usual ways
you are thinking, now what can you do about it? Ah, you deceive yourself
and say, more of the same. Repetition and sooner or later I'm going to find
what I want. You're not going to find water in the desert, you might as
well give up trying right now. That's where you are, out in the desert
looking for a stream that's not out there. Any more than the security that
you're seeking is presently inside you to be found by you because you have
the old nature which has nothing but insecurity.
Now it would seem as if we're in an impossible situation - it would seem
so. But I'll tell you, it's not. And I'll tell you the general rule that
covers that and then we can go into more detail. The general rule is, you
can grow any time you want to; you can develop, you can ascend, you can go
higher any time you want to. This is a law of life. If you want to stop
self-deception, for example; if you will have the courage and the daring to
stop seeking water where it can't be found out in the desert.
Listen to the following word, it is very important to what we're discussing.
The word 'endurance.' Listen to this, follow, it's very important. Can you
endure the fact, the absolute fact that there isn't water, isn't
refreshment, isn't anything good out in that desert at all, only dryness?
Can you face that?
If you face that fact you're going to give up searching out there, aren't
you? All your life, including today, you've looking out in the desert for
water and you say. 'I can't find it.' Of course you're never going to find
it in your own present nature."
Solutions for Lasting Security
DVD # 6, talk 1 Blu-ray # 3, talk 1