Morning Prayer 4/23/24

  • fATHER, we wait in expectation. Even in the great distress on earth, we wait in longing for your day to come, for the pangs of death to pass, so that your kingdom may arise and the reign of Yahvahosha the Messiah may spread over the whole world in power and glory. May your promise be fulfilled and your will be done on earth. May there always be people who believe and who pray in faith, “Yahvah, come! Come, Yahvah. Humankind does not understand how to live. Send us Yahvahosha the Messiah, the Savior, Yahvah, and Judge of the dead and the living. Put an end to sin and death!” We thank you for giving us this faith and for letting us pray at all times, “Come, Saviour Yahvahosha. Yes, come soon, Saviour Yahvahosha!” We ask you to protect us in this faith. Bring this faith to fulfillment for the glory of your name. Halleluyah.
