Daily Quotes for Monday June 3, 2024

  • Daily Quotes for Monday June 3, 2024

    Positive Quote of the Day

    You don't need anybody to tell you
    who you are or what you are.
    You are what you are!
    John Lennon

    Funny Quote of the Day

    DON'T get officious.
    You're not yourself when you're officious -
    That is the curse of a government job.
    Harold and Maude

    Love Quote of the Day

    Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does.
    Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.
    James A. Baldwin

    Positive Quote of the Day

    You don't need anybody to tell you
    who you are or what you are.
    You are what you are!
    John Lennon

    Funny Quote of the Day

    DON'T get officious.
    You're not yourself when you're officious -
    That is the curse of a government job.
    Harold and Maude

    Love Quote of the Day

    Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does.
    Love is a battle, love is a war; love is a growing up.
    James A. Baldwin
