"Let me give you a little special method you can use for your growth.
Everyone you know comes to you and tries to leave their problem with you.
They talk to you about it, they call you on the phone, they write you
letters. And because you want to be doing the same thing to them, you
kind of resent them beating you to it.
From now on, you will have a different attitude toward people who try to
leave their problems with you.... Become conscious they've got all this
pressure, they've got all these tears and they're gloomy and they're
depressed and they just start chattering. They're not even chattering to
you, they're just chattering and you happen to be there!
They don't care about your answer; they don't really want your answer. What
they want to do is to relieve the pressure that they feel over the news,
over the problem, over the crisis that they have.
Up to now in your life, you have not learned wisely to use the problems of
other people for you to cease to have problems of your own. I am telling
you, you have missed gold because you didn't know it was gold.... Effective
as of now your misuse of that opportunity will cease. You will no longer
waste the opportunity of other people trying to impose their gloomy dark
unstable world on to you....
Here's what you do: ...You will understand, first of all, that this is all
they can do, they are little children.... I don't care how tall they are
physically or how famous they are out in the world or how many degrees they
have, or how powerful they are; I want you to know that you're in
association with a small child.... Understand that that other person is
simply scared. That he doesn't know how to handle it. If you understand
that from the start, it will reduce and finally put an end to your own
wrong reactions when they try to push their troubles off onto you.
See, because indeed inside you're saying, 'Look don't tell me your
troubles, I've got enough of my own.' That's the wrong reaction, if you are
a real student of the higher life. You will develop a new kind of a
patience with them, where you don't have any pushing away of them at all,
no wrong attitudes at all.
You wouldn't do that with a crying four or five year old child who came up
to you.... Why do you push away adults, maybe someone you live with; why do
you push them away in resentment, wondering why they're bothering you? If
you do it's because you still have too much of the little child in yourself....
No wonder you keep your troubles - because you don't use the world to be
free of it....
If you want to grow, if you want to be a spiritual adult, a mature human
being, you will never again have a negative attitude toward a person who
gives you trouble at all.
You will begin to bear every single problem that exists in this world. Yes,
all by yourself, every single one of them. Billions of problems, listen to
what I'm telling you. You will begin to bear every problem that exists on
this earth. You will bear it until it becomes unbearable. Till you feel
crushed by it, overwhelmed by it, 'I can't take it any more!' And if you do
this, you will see for sure, absolutely sure that you can't bear any
problem of anyone.
Now you're getting wise - aren't you?"
The Secret Door to Self-Healing DVD # 27, talk 4 Blu-ray # 10, talk 1