• "So, we have all these uproars inside us, just waiting for some leader,
    inside ourselves also, to come along and set off the riot, inciting
    ourselves to riot. You understand I've described what we call flare-ups,
    going into a rage, hysteria, breaking down and blowing up. Haven't I
    described it; isn't this what happens to you? Something comes along and
    denies you your pleasure, denies you what you think you have a right to,
    and you have all these seething emotions, feelings, inside of you, and the
    leader comes along, the one who incites you to riot and off you go.

    Well, what could it be? It could be a thousand things, couldn't it? It
    could be the fact that you had all these pressures in you all day long and
    then just one too many burdens put on you and you fly off in a rage.

    I want you to be aware, therefore, at this point, that the outer condition
    of inciting a riot also exists inside of you.

    Doesn't it happen to you all the time? You're led away by something and
    let's see, let's take a little closer look at it, what it is. The whole
    thing is uncontrolled emotions, you don't have control over yourself. Do
    you call suppression control? You call all the seething and boiling, do you
    call that control? What it is is something pushed down and oh what
    pressures and pains you suffer from, from the very existence inside of you,
    I tell you. And why don't you tell yourself also, this is a useless way to
    spend your life.

    Again, look how simple it is. Would you call it profitable to blow up, get
    angry all the time? You call that good? Well, how do you feel when you get
    set off by a rejection, someone hurting you in some way, how do you feel?
    I'll tell you how you feel, let's simplify that too - you feel pretty bad
    about it.

    You seem to like feeling bad because you repeat it endlessly, all day, all
    week, all month, all year long. Now would you call that intelligent
    behavior? If you say it is not intelligent, then why don't we do something
    about it right now, which we can do. All these destructive feelings are
    there simply because you don't understand what you can do about them beyond
    just suffer from them. Beyond just be their victim all the time - you don't
    understand what you can do.

    What you can do is understand them so thoroughly that they lose their power
    to control your life, control the way you look at people, control your
    gestures. If you can understand them, which you can, you can understand
    them out of existence."

         Command Your Emotions  DVD # 8, talk 4
