• "When you are willing to sacrifice your false exhilaration, your thrillism,
    it's the same thing as sacrificing your unhappiness. It will go away; it
    will fall away, as they usually say, like the leaves off the autumn trees;
    something will change, something will be different. Oh, now that leads us
    to thinking in a new way towards all forms of badness.

    We must think - oh it's so simple - we must think of badness as being bad
    for the life, which it is. People know that, sense it, but you have to
    realize how many times you say, 'I want to be good, but I don't know how.
    It's so hard to behave peacefully toward myself, or toward other people, I
    don't know how to be good.' That is an initial falsehood.

    You're saying that as an excuse. You don't really want to be good and happy
    - no, you don't, because it is available. It's been available to you since
    the day you were born."

        from a talk given 1/5/1992
      V. H.'s Higher World - MP3 CD Volume 33, talk 805, track 1