• "See, here's the problem: Picture yourself on 'your little hill of
    rightness,' which you call rightness. You're facing west and look how
    nervous you are that the enemy's going to come in from the east at your
    back. You're facing south and you're afraid that the assault, the
    threat, is going to come from the opposite direction where you can't see,
    from the north. And there you stand. I'm describing your life and you
    know it.

    There you stand on top of the hill nervously looking around wondering
    who's going to take away your precious little possessions. And you have
    nothing at all of value, therefore you are protecting the valuelessness of
    your whole life. Now wouldn't you say, so far, we've accurately
    described your condition?

    And I've already given you one small solution which you can take and
    which you should take. Take it out of here and try to understand the depths
    of meaning, which is simply this. As long as you emotionally, angrily in
    hostility and with force, as long as you insist that you are right about
    anything, you are wrong and you pay the penalty for it. You are suffering
    from it just as you suffered today.

    So look where we've come to already. It's very interesting. There is
    your idea of being right and there is rightness with a capital R. You
    prefer your idea, your collection of beliefs of what it means to be right,
    to live rightly. You prefer that over reality, over truth, over what is
    actually right; you prefer your acquired rightness and suffer from it.
    Aren't you delighted to see that you don't have to suffer anymore?"

           Wake Up to a New Life
              DVD # 15, talk 1   Blu-ray # 6, talk 2

