• "Now here's the problem. You have this anxiety and you know you have it,
    you have all those worries. The problem is you will not run out of
    society's answers; you're just hopeful that they have something for you,
    and I'll tell you that they don't. And I'll also tell you that you
    don't realize of all the millions and billions of people on this earth,
    to find one human being who knows the answers is a miracle.

    Because truth itself first exists for the human being who wants to find it
    for himself. Now look, you can say to yourself, 'I want the answers,' and
    you can go on your search as you've been doing up till now and you will
    not find them.

    I'll tell you how to rephrase the question, the statement: 'I want to find
    the answers to my personal problems to my own life and I want to know the
    answers from myself.'

    You know why people don't do that? Do you know why you won't do that?
    Why you won't say it and mean it and go all the way with it? Because you
    have a very bad habit, and that bad habit is called depending on someone
    else. Looking to another human being, looking to a book, looking to some
    new popular system for changing yourself, which won't change yourself.

    You start right now with that revised statement, 'I want the answers and I
    want them to come from my own nature,' because I will tell you that it is
    entirely possible for any one of you watching and listening right now to
    attain a state where the answers to all of life will come to you.

    You want to find out whether I've given you an accurate statement of that,
    then you follow along all to the end of truth - many of which we are going
    to talk about tonight."

        Know the Answers from Yourself  DVD # 10, talk 1