One day while our veteran angel and his assistant and friend, an
    apprentice angel were patrolling their area of the day, they heard an
    emergency signal on their wrist radio and they turned up the volume a
    little bit. It was a message from Higher Headquarters. And the message was
    urgent. It said, 'There is going to be an emergency meeting down in hell.
    Satan has called a special lecture. We don't know the purpose of it yet,
    but we want you to find out. Get on down there fast. Turn on your tape
    recorder when you get down there. At the end of the lecture when you find
    out what it's all about, I want you to publish your findings in the Angelic
    Weekly and spread it around the world. By the way, try to increase your
    circulation, angels, on the Angelic Weekly. People need the truths in that
    weekly paper. See if you can find more people who will subscribe. But just
    for now, get on down there and find out what it's all about.'

    The two angels shut off their receiver and zoomed on down, went down into
    an opening in the ground where it was dark. Ordinarily it would be dark for
    a human being - not for angels who have the light of heaven in them. So the
    passage down was very easy and very clear.

    They got on down and they made themselves invisible. That's a nice little
    point in itself. You see, when you're really good, you can become invisible
    to evil if you want to anytime you want so that people won't notice you.
    This is a spiritual, psychological fact which requires more time than we
    have for it now. But if you don't want people to see you, you can stay away
    from them and they won't notice it. It's very easy really...."

                Defeat Has No Right to Exist
             Powerful Guides for Spiritual Freedom, p. 56