• "You need a lot of changing, the way you are, don't you? Oh, see, don't
    think that it's a negative thing to start changing yourself.

    People are so afraid of change. Don't be afraid of it, just look at it
    without bringing any of your old elements into it and say, 'Now let's see,
    I don't like the way I am now, therefore change would be a relief.' It
    would indeed.

    Wouldn't it be a relief for you to be different from the way you are now,
    this self-torturing machine that you are now. What I said was true,
    wasn't it? A self-tormenting machine - that's what you are.

    So we are going to take some questions and answers now, and listen to them
    carefully because these are true answers, they're not mine, I didn't
    invent them. They're the answers that are of a spiritual nature, of a
    higher nature than human beings. Aren't you glad there is something
    higher than human beings available to you? Well, there is."

        Questions and Answers 4
          DVD # 5, talk 4   Blu-ray # 2, talk 9