• "Awareness of your frantic state gives you power over it. You see, you
    cannot control a state that you are identified with, that is, a state you
    do not observe in yourself. But there is a calm self within you that can
    actually stand aside and observe another self, the frantic one. This is
    self-awareness. This is what gives you command.

    Do you see the tremendous power here? Listen carefully: When you become
    aware of a frantic state you can then see the difference between a frantic
    state and a calm one. You see that there is an alternative to pressure.
    That alternative is calmness. When you are unaware of your pressure-state,
    you mistakenly think that it is the only state that exists. But now you are
    aware of the other way - calmness."

                          HOW TO ENJOY GOOD HEALTH AND STAY YOUNG
                          Chap. 12, p. 223 (Previous version)
                          Chap. 12, p. 197 (Current version)
