Real principles are your allies
Above is the condensed version of the story "The Nightingale" by Hans
Christian Andersen. Like all lasting literature, it is not merely an
entertainment, but contains valuable lessons about the ways of men:
1. The emperor's attraction to the real nightingale symbolizes the desire
of a certain part of us for the truth.
2. The rejection of the real nightingale in favor of the false bird shows
how easily we fall victim to the glitter of artificiality.
3. The emperor's grief is similar to human breakdown when false supports
4. The emperor's restored health upon the return of the real nightingale
shows how human health thrives when the real and the true are welcomed."
THE SURE WAY TO HEALING AND STRENGTH Secrets for Higher Success, Chap. 9, p. 176 (Previous version) Chap. 9, p. 131 (Current version)