Yahvah, you have sent light to shine on earth and have revealed your heavenly power in Yahvahosha the Messiah, so that in spite of all the darkness and evil we may rejoice because we have a Savior. Reveal your power in our day. Let something be done anew toward the building of your kingdom on earth. Let something draw men's hearts to you to give them light so that they may thank and praise you for all you have done and are still doing to bring the whole world into your hands. O Yahvah, let men be moved by the opening of the heavens. May their hearts awaken and their sadness give way to joy in Yahvahosha the Messiah the Savior. We are your children who are allowed to wait in expectation for you to set everything right. We can know that even in our troubled times your hand is at work to reveal your will, to make your will plain to all generations on earth, as you promised through Abraham. May your name be glorified, O Yahvah. May your name be honored, your kingdom come, and your will be done on earth as in heaven. Halleluyah.