There was once a cruel dictator who ruthlessly persecuted everyone who
thwarted his ambitions in the smallest way. Having no conscience, he
delighted in making everyone as outwardly miserable as he was inwardly
Finally overthrown by enemies, he fled to another country, where he was
forced to live in a small and old house. One day a former enemy was driving
by in a car, when the wheels accidentally splashed mud against the house.
The tyrant let out a howl of indignation heard a block away.
Remarked an observer, 'There is no howl like the howl of a persecutor who
feels persecuted.'
A man's relationship with others, for peace or discord, will be the same as
his relationship with himself."
HOW TO SUCCEED IN HUMAN RELATIONS Inspire Yourself, Chap. 3, p. 48 (Previous version) Chap. 3, p. 44 (Current version)