Over the years God has used movies sometimes to show me things prophetically. The day after the "Inauguration" of Joe Biden, and all of the signing of the Executive Orders, the Lord used It's a Wonderful Life as an example of what He was doing for those in America that didn't have a clear understanding or insight as to what a Biden/Harris administration would produce.
The Lord simply showed me that this period of time that looks like a denial of His promised outcome through the Prophets, of President Trump being elected and being in the Office of the President for two terms is actually similar to what George Bailey experienced when he saw what the lives of those he loved would be like if he had never been born. We, as a Nation are having a "It's a Wonderful Life" experience corporately.
This isn't for those of us who knew that President Trump was a great president, and Gods choice. This little exercise is for those who refused to see truly how stable the Nation had become under President Trumps leadership. This is being proven on Social Media as well. Trump supporters have been sharing screen shots of texts and private messages they are receiving from Biden supporters asking if the things they are reading are true and asking things like, "is he trying to destroy the economy in one day?" "what is he doing?" "my husband just called and said he may lose his job because of the XL Pipeline shut down, is this true?" All of the nasty comments from those people on our social media over the last few years, and increasingly so since the Election results were being challenged, have all but stopped and the Biden supporters on my social media feeds have become very quiet.
I am just over here trusting God for the manifestation of the turn around knowing that He is a genius, because we aren't going to have those arguments with those people after He is done showing them "It's a Wonderful Life". I think social media is about to get really mundane again. Get ready for the photos of people's food, grand kids and dogs, because I don't see too many people arguing about the "mean, bad orange man" in our future.
Get ready for the reformation of the 7 Mountains, Revival of the Church, release of the Prophets God has hidden in obscurity and the Great Harvest all to the Glory of God and the establishment of His Kingdom in the Earth!