Victorious Over The Enemy

  • Victorious Over The Enemy
    You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,
    The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.
    (Psalm 91:13 NKJV)
    The focus of today's message is on verse 13 of Psalm 91. It involves being victorious in the midst of danger. The enemy of our souls is described as being like a lion and a snake.
    A lion is loud, threatening, visually terrifying, and openly destructive while a snake is stealthy, unseen, and striking suddenly without warning.
    Our most dedicated enemy is the devil. He hates God and therefore mankind because we are made in His image. But since he cannot strike at God directly, he strikes at us to get back at Him by hurting His beloved ones.
    Having an encounter with the devil can be very frightening, but God has promised that in the end we will be victorious through Him.
    When Jesus was raised from the dead, He was victorious and as the Son of God, He trampled the serpent (Satan) under His feet. What was true of Jesus will be true of us. For the God of peace will soon crush Satan under our feet (Romans 16:20).
    God will lead you into a deliverance where the means that delivers you will be those who would destroy you.
    - Edwin Louis Cole
