In 1 Samuel 12:13-16, it says, "Now therefore, here is the king whom you have chosen and whom you have asked for, and behold, ADONAI has set him as king over you. (14) If you fear ADONAI and worship Him, and listen to the voice and not rebel against the command of ADONAI, then both you as well as the king who reigns over you will be following ADONAI your God. (15) But if you do not listen to the voice of ADONAI and rebel against the command of ADONAI, then the hand of ADONAI will be against you and against your fathers. (16) Now stand by and see this great thing that ADONAI will do before your eyes."
As we read the Torah portion of the Bible we see that the countries leaders were Kings, in today time many are referred to as Presidents to include the United States. As we were reading this the Holy Spirit brought to me that the reason the United States is in the condition that it is in is because the people have rebel against ADONAI, our God. So therefore the leadership of this Nation is influenced by the people not following God any longer.
If we really want a change in this Nation, we must repent and get back to serving the real KING of KINGS and the LORDS of LORDS and cry out to Him, 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us He shall hear from Heaven and heal our land. But we must seek His face and not His hand, humble ourselves and pray and turn from the evil ways that this Nation has gotten into.
So who do Americans want as their next President ( king)? Whoever it is Christians must do the first part. follow God, then we can ask Him to put the right leaders in positions as we commit to pray for them every day, even before they get into their leadership positions.