People may wonder, just why God sent His son Yeshua, Jesus, to this earth, if God is who the Bible says He is, and He created everything it says He did, then how come he just couldn't save people without sending His son to die?
I believe the answer can be found in the book of Hebrews chapter 2:5-18; You must pray and ask God to open your Spiritual eyes of understanding to see. And not just read the black letters on white paper. I am not going to write every word of each verse, that is for you to read. However I will express what God has given me. You may already have knowledge of what I am about to say and if so that is great and this is a confirmation of that, but if you don't then ponder what is about to enter your spirit by way of God. So how can we escape what God has for us if we neglect such a great opportunity of Salvation?
In Genesis First chapter, God said! and it happened, for 6 days God created everything from Heaven to Earth, from fish to humans, from plants that can be eaten to the animals of the wild. So the question is not how "come" God couldn't save people without sending His Son to die BUT! why would He send His Son instead of just speaking in Genesis 1:26, then God said,"Let US make man in our image, after OUR likeness !"......then add something such as, and let them serve Us all the days of their lives?
The answer, God knew His plains for man's future and what it would take to overcome Adam and Eve's failure in the garden. So He sent His Son to the earth to be born and raised up to a young man so He Himself likewise shares the same humanity as the children share in flesh and blood. Through His death that He would break the power of death (that is, the devil) and free those who by fear of death, were in bondage all their lives. As Jesus grew and became a full man, He showed us all how we should live. He showed that God Himself was in charge just as He was in the first 6 days of His creation. And yes He could have spoken Salvation into every generation to come but that would not give man a free will. God knew that we humans need examples to follow after Adam and Eve fail, that is why all through the word of God, with every generation, every story, even examples of every king, we can see God in the mist. He has been preparing us for such a time as we are in today and the coming future.
With every trial, valley, mountain top, family, friends, job, and just dealing with life circumstance we learn more how to depend upon the Lord. By praying and reading His word each day we see and learn by example of how we should live, to trust and have faith in Him.Without Jesus and without Him leading and guiding our every step we would not make it through tomorrow. Sinners may say I make it through every day and I am not a Christian, but what they do not realize is that God's Mercy and Grace is with them because He does not want to see anyone miss Heaven. God is not going to force anyone to accept Jesus as Savior but He wants everyone to know what the consequence is if they turn Him away and deny HIm. For ever in the lake of fire;
This is why God sent His son to become man, walking among believers and non, so we would know HE will never leave nor forsake us but we must ask forgiveness of our sins and accept Yeshua, Jesus Christ, God's Son as our Savior.
I ask you again to read Hebrews 2: again.