• Cecil John Rhodes, July 1853-March 1902, was an English mining magnate and a politician in Southern Africa, and served as Prime minister of the Cape Colony for 6  years. He was a wealthy man and the founder and  leader of  territory's, company's, and had the vision of a Railway through British territory. Before his death in 1902 he cried out and said this about himself. I've found much  in Africa, diamonds, gold, and land are mine, I have led territories and served the people, but now I must leave all of my accomplishments and worldly passions behind. Not a thing I've gained can be taken with me. I have not sought eternal treasures, therefore I actually have nothing at all. 

    This was a severe evil, a painful calamity of life that he could have used for lasting benefit. Not only to the people he served, his family, but most importantly his eternal life. Instead he leaves this world as empty as he came. He laboured for wealth, recognition and possession on  this earth before man and not to store up treasures in Heaven. He entered into eternity with no treasures stored up.

    So how is your life going to be remembered?  We must put God first and everything else shall come at His will.
