• Romans 8:28 "We know all things work together for good for those who love God who are called according to His purpose".

       As we look at different circumstance of life we go through, it may not seam as things could work out in a good way from a bad circumstance so when we are suffering heart break. tragedy. disappointment, flushtration , or bereavement, we wonder just how it could be good. We must remember what God permits to come into our path of life is by a devine designed by ABBA Father to conform us to the image of His Son. When we see this it takes the question mark out of our prayers of, why? We must understand that our lives are not controlled by impersonal forces such as, chance, luck, or fate, but by our wonderful, personal Lord, who is too loving to be unkind and to wise to be err. If we are followers of Jesus Christ, Yeshua, He will take care of us even when we cannot immediately see through the tees of confusion. So stand still, listen and look forward to the Blessing of God in spite of. 


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