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Will 2022 be the year ofThe Great Harvest? And are you ready?

  • Leader
    January 18, 2022
    If you are an Elijah Streams Fan as i am, then you believe that the 5-fold Ministry, including Prophecy and Prophets is a part of the modern day Ecclesia. if so, then is 2022 the year Jehovah Himself defeats the Evil Cabal and opens up the End Days Harvest? i certainly believe so, I believe we're on the cusp of Jehovah moving in such POWER as to leave us stunned! Are we ready brothers and sisters, TRULY ready....to show Love and Grace and to Christ-Himself to folks maybe we'd just about written off? I am, I'm HUNGRY for the Harvest... How about you? Loved ones who maybe roll their eyes...you gonna be ready when they actually ASK YOU about Jesus? Drug addicts who come home sober, hooked now on Jesus! Husbands and wives who come back to their families and actually LOVE ON THEM... Harvest is READY, are you ready for it? And if someone you thought might have been thru and thru evil REPENTS....are you ready?