Donald John Trump is The Legitimate POTUS who won 2020 » Discussions

Welcome to #DonaldJohnTrumpIsTheLegitimatePOTUSWhoWon2020 Group

  • April 19, 2021
    Welcome to #DonaldJohnTrumpIsTheLegitimatePOTUSWhoWon2020 Group

    Please join us as we continue to intercede in prayer for our US Republic for our true POTUS President Donald John Trump and for all of us to work together and to assist one another as Jesus' Holy Spirit leads us all to preserve our US Republic. One Nation under God should mean something. Many men (and women) fought, bled and died for our Freedom. This is not to be taken for granted in any generation, especially now, for "such a time is this."Esther 4:14 Those of us who hear the Voice of Our Shepherd know that President Donald JOHN Trump is the rightful POTUS who won on November 3rd 2020 by a true landslide. Jesus' Holy Spirit is asking us to stand our ground and to do even more, to take back what the enemies of USA have stolen from We The People who Honor and Love Creator God Jesus, Our Families and all our God given Freedoms.-In Christ Jesus' Service and in His Agape Holy Love, Mrs.Michelle Orts Prophetic Minister w/ husband Reverend David Orts #USA