Speak A Word » Notes » The Day Antifa begged God to visit Portland

  • The Day Antifa begged God to visit Portland

    Posted by Joanna Stricker August 15, 2021 - 924 views - 0 comments - 0 likes - #blessing  #Curses  #Fire  #Anarchy 
    Last weekend, Saturday to be exact, Antifa begged God to visit Portland, Oregon. The question they asked was, in effect, "Where are you, God?"

    Yes, I understand, they believed they were attacking, with sneers and curses, those who worship God. Their naivety astounds me. The moment they brought God into the picture, the whole scene changed. No longer was their attack against their fellow human beings, but the focus skipped the natural and zoomed into the spiritual world.

    I laugh at the thought that their masks and snarls could hide them from the eyes of God much less the ears of God.

    He heard them. Just as he saw them in the dark of night, killing, destroying, burning.
    If God hears the barest whisper of the inner man, what makes them think He doesn't hear their shouts?

    I saw this coming months ago when they and the others who hide behind their masks and the darkness of night, burned Bibles in the streets of Portland.

    As if any man or demon could destroy the Word.

    They accomplished two things the day they begged God to visit.
    The first accomplishment is nearly inconsequential to the second, but still, likely vital to God's plan for Portland, and that act was that they brought the world's attention to them. Essentially, they put a nice big target on their back from God's people. And the weapons of the church are not carnal. And they are powerful for pulling down strongholds. (Wording familiar? Look it up in the Bible). I wonder how many other believers felt a fiery spurt of anointed prayer that God's love chase down every body involved that day--even the ones who didn't act, didn't say the words, but orchestrated and sneered.

    We know God hears our prayers, but Antifa evidently doesn't believe God hears theirs. I'd say pity them, but we aren't called to pity. We are called to destroy the plans of the enemy. And we do that with our prayers.

    The second item Antifa accomplished that day is they issued a challenge directly to God.

    Now I can be quite forthright with God, but it all has to do with attitude ya' know? And I wouldn't want to be in their position because God isn't sidetracked by bluster and threats.

    And all that false courage given by the demonic forces that have been entrenched in this area, is beginning to disperse, leaving the fear that the enemy sows freely.

    As believers pray for them, I see only two possible outcomes--either God destroys them or saves them. My prayer is that they raise their voices and plead for God to save them. Everyone who calls on His name shall be saved (another Scripture reference, look it up).

    As to the city of Portland...over the city, particularly the downtown areas, a multitude of the Lord's angelic hosts are gathering. Someday soon there will be a shaking and a falling of every thing that attempts to stand in defiance of God.

    The glory of God is coming, folks, and everything is about to change.

    Exciting times are coming to Portland. Exciting for everyone who stands firm in their faith that God hears us when we call.

    Come, Lord, Your children wait and pray with joy and expectation.