DailyDevotional » Notes » He Made Him to Prosper

  • He Made Him to Prosper

    Posted by Cephas Rotimi Oluwaseyitan August 3, 2021 - Category: Spirituality - 1,121 views - 0 comments - 1 like


    2Chronicles 26:1-5


    2 Chronicles 26:5 (ASV) “And he set himself to seek God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the vision of God: and as long as he sought Jehovah, God made him to prosper.”



    Seeking after God, involves the setting of our attention, and affection on God. It is an intentional choice and determination, to pursue after Him. Seeking for something, or someone that is not lost, suggest the idea of obsession. It goes beyond the idea of mere possession, to passionate desire, for intimacy with someone.


    Our God is not lost, but we are called to seek after Him, to love Him, with the whole of our heart. Seeking after God comes with a lot of benefits, for the seeker, and the people connected to him. The Bible says, talking about Uzziah “And he set himself to seek God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the vision of God: and as long as he sought Jehovah, God made him to prosper.”


    As long, as he sought Jehovah, God made him to prosper. Those who truly seek after God will have no reason, to seek after gold, or silver. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us, all the days of our lives, as we follow, after the Lord our shepherd.


    People are only left to pursue things, when they don’t embrace the call, to pursue God. Seeking God first, places everything the world is clamoring for, as an addition, to the benefits of seeking Him. The Lord did not only make Uzziah to prosper, God helped him against his enemy.


    Uzziah became exceedingly great, and his fame spread far and wide. These shall be your testimonies, in the name of Jesus Christ. The Lord shall make you to prosper, and cause you to prevail, over your enemies, in the name of Jesus Christ. You shall become exceedingly great, and the world shall hear about your name, in Jesus’ name.


    Let’s Talk About It.

    What does seeking God mean to you?


    Prayer Starter

    Father, I receive the grace to tirelessly pursue after You, in the name of Jesus Christ.


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