Posted by Steve Shultz
Join us this MONDAY as Steve Shultz interviews Robin Bullock — LIVE RIGHT HERE — on President’s Day, Feb. 15, at 11 AM Pacific Time. Robin will be discussing visions of presidents, the White House and eagles! Please join us this MONDAY with Robin Bullock!
Posted February 15, 2021 - 12 comments - 1,408 views - 83 likes
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12 Comments   |   Laura Wilson and 82 others react this.
  • RogerDebra Cochran 
    RogerDebra Cochran    ·  February 23, 2021
    Such Powerful Revelations ‼️
  • Donna Henderson Calvin
    Donna Henderson Calvin   ·  February 23, 2021
    Don’t miss The Eleventh Hour on Tuesdays at 11:00 EST
  • RJ Price
    RJ Price   ·  February 16, 2021
    Robin, it was actually in the season 11, episode 12. Start at about 1 hour 14 minutes in and he finishes up about 1 hour 29 minutes.
  • Robin Rysavy
    Robin Rysavy   ·  February 16, 2021
    I got to see part of this. Robin mentioned Season 12 Ep. 12 where he put together a video and he narrates from II Samuel 15-18. I saw it and wanted to see it again. It seems I cannot find it anywhere. Does anyone know where to find this? It isn't...  more
    • Lieve Ballinckx
      Lieve Ballinckx
      Robin Rysavy
      Robin Rysavy
      Robin Rysavy
      I got to see part of this. Robin mentioned Season 12 Ep. 12 where he put together a video and he narrates from II Samuel 15-18. I saw it and wanted to see it again. It seems I cannot find it anywhere. Does anyone know where to find this? It isn't...  more
        ·  February 19, 2021
  • Cheryl Morgner
    Cheryl Morgner   ·  February 16, 2021
    I love to hear Robin teach and prophesy. I never grew up under any ministries that particularly taught how to properly discern the prophetic as a major teaching. I’ve had to learn and study as much as possible myself of other such as this one. Great to...  more
  • Debra Mifsud
    Debra Mifsud   ·  February 16, 2021
    Great teaching from Robin on 5 fold ministry:
    Body of Christ (church) thought that prophets and apostles no longer existed until COVID-19.  Church taught 3 fold ministry.
    Hand of God
    Pinkie finger-teacher who cleans ears
    Ring finger-pastor married to...  more
  • Daniel Anderson
    Daniel Anderson   ·  February 15, 2021
    I agree it was great going to watch it again. Steve does a great job asking question and robin does a great job teaching
  • Robin Rysavy
    Robin Rysavy   ·  February 15, 2021
    This was absolutely incredible. I loved it. will watch again. Robin Bullock is amazing.
  • Sandy Blackburn
    Sandy Blackburn   ·  February 15, 2021
    What a BLESSING!!!! Thank you sooo much!
  • Angelisa Pyle
    Angelisa Pyle   ·  February 15, 2021