ElijahStreams » Videos » WEDNESDAYS WITH KAT AND STEVE - Episode 31


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Join us this Wednesday, June 30 at 11:10 am PT / 2:10pm ET with Kat Kerr and Steve Shultz as they discuss current events, heavenly revelation and answer your questions! You won’t want to miss out on these special broadcasts. Please join us this WEDNESDAY with Kat Kerr!
Posted July 1, 2021 - 3 comments - 895 views - 27 likes
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3 Comments   |   Rev Sly Walker and 26 others react this.
  • Ingrid Hernandez-Hugh
    Ingrid Hernandez-Hugh   ·  July 6, 2021
    Genesis 6 talks about them. they are hybrids/giants. half fallen angel/half human or animal(yes the fallen angels even mated with animals). so when these creatures are killed they don't go to heaven or hell they become disembodied(evil)...  more
  • Carol Gehlsen
    Carol Gehlsen   ·  July 3, 2021
    Demons are created beings so are demons fallen angels?
    • B BEE
      B BEE
      Carol Gehlsen
      Carol Gehlsen
      Carol Gehlsen
      Demons are created beings so are demons fallen angels?
        ·  July 6, 2021
      Yes they are.