The Love Of God
Song Title:The Love Of God Heals My Soul
Verse 1:
In the darkest night, when I feel alone
I call upon Your name, my heart is known
Your love surrounds me, like a warm embrace
It heals my wounded soul, with endless grace
The love of God heals my soul
It washes over me and makes me whole
In times of need, in times of pain
His love remains, forever the same
Verse 2:
Through every trial, through every storm
I find my strength in You, I am reborn
Your light shines bright, in the depths of me
I'm filled with peace and hope, eternally
Verse 3:
Through every trial and every tear, you never let me go
Your love is like a steady stream, washing all my fears
When I'm lost and feeling small, you're the strength that lifts me high
Your love is like a guiding star, leading to the sky
The love of God heals my soul
It washes over me and makes me whole
In times of need, in times of pain
His love remains, forever the same
Oh how sweet the sound of Your voice
Guiding me through all life's noise
In Your presence I find rest,
For Your love is truly best
The love of God heals my soul
It washes over me and makes me whole
In times of need, in times of pain
His love remains, forever the same
With gratitude in my heart,
I'll sing your praises from the start
Your love has made me whole,
The greatest gift to heal my soul.
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