Wisdom's Gate Ministries » Videos » Contact Tracing-Bill & Chelsea Clinton-G. Newsom-A. Cuomo

Contact Tracing-Bill & Chelsea Clinton-G. Newsom-A. Cuomo

Posted by Skeet Savage
Posted May 2, 2020 - 3 comments - 442 views - 13 likes
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3 Comments   |   Skeet Savage and 12 others react this.
  • Anderson Simth
    Anderson Simth   ·  October 29, 2020
  • Garry walter
    Garry walter   ·  May 25, 2020
  • Wisdom's Gate Ministries
    Wisdom's Gate Ministries   ·  May 2, 2020
    Did you catch that last part?! As someone here online has wisely noted:

    "Right under our noses... for those with ears to hear and eyes to see...

    Watch and listen closely- all the way to the end. We're on the downslope and yet there is talk...  more