Abominations of Sodom
Sexual abominations of Sodom. Practice of adultery, immorality and robbery in Sodom. Mischievous liar Hedad of Sodom. The Book of Jasher. Chapter 18. Quotes and music added. Audio file amplified. LibriVox recording. Public domain. Narrted by C.J. Plogue. There are still some springs with green valleys around Dead Sea. See En Gedi - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ein_Gedi
According to the visions of Valtorta, Jesus visited Ein Gedi on the Dead Sea (former Sodom)
Jesus arrival in Engedi (next to the Dead Sea - ex Sodom)
Jesus Preaching and Miracles at Engedi (next to the Dead Sea - ex Sodom)
Jesus and Elisha of Engedi (next to the Dead Sea - ex Sodom)
NOTE Italian visionary Maria Valtorta had never been to Palestine but she names and describes in great details places that only specialists and archaeologists knew!
11. In those days all the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, and
of the whole five cities, were exceedingly wicked and sinful against
the Lord and they provoked the Lord with their abominations, and
they strengthened in aging abominably and scornfully before the
Lord, and their wickedness and crimes were in those days great
before the Lord.
12. And they had in their land a very extensive valley, about half a
day's walk, and in it there were fountains of water and a great deal of
herbage surrounding the water.
13. And all the people of Sodom and Gomorrah went there
four times in the year, with their wives and children and all belonging
to them, and they rejoiced there with timbrels and dances.
14. And in the time of rejoicing they would all rise and lay hold
of their neighbor's wives, and some, the virgin daughters of their
neighbors, and they enjoyed them, and each man saw his wife and
daughter in the hands of his neighbor and did not say a word.
15. And they did so from morning to night, and they afterward
returned home each man to his house and each woman to her tent; so
they always did four times in the year.
16. Also when a stranger came into their cities and brought
goods which he had purchased with a view to dispose of there, the
people of these cities would assemble, men, women and children,
young and old, and go to the man and take his goods by force, giving
a little to each man until there was an end to all the goods of the
owner which he had brought into the land.
17. And if the owner of the goods quarreled with them, saying,
What is this work which you have done to me, then they would
approach to him one by one, and each would show him the little which
he took and taunt him, saying, I only took that little which thou didst
give me; and when he heard this from them all, he would arise and go
from them in sorrow and bitterness of soul, when
they would all arise and go after him, and drive him out of the city
with great noise and tumult.
#ApocryphaMX #BookofJasher
Posted June 5, 2021 - 0 comments -
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