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Filling the Store House | Keeping Faith in Hard Times

Posted by Gary Pfeffer Jr
In this Episode Cory and Gary are both teaching and facilitating a discussion with our home church gathering. We cover a plethora of topics with the main focus on keeping faith in hard times, standing on "True" prophetic words that are given, and avoiding carnal thinking regardless of the circumstances. Yes, these are some heavy topics but it is an uplifting conversation and there are some prophetic words released in this episode. Cory and Gary are both teaching in this episode.

Scripture Topic
2 Kings 7:1-20
Matthew 7:15-23

Gary’s Interpretation of Matthew 7:21-23

Gary unpacks who he believes Jesus was referring to when he said there would be those who say "Lord, Lord" that he will say "depart from me, for I never knew you." This important topic is a much needed caution about operating in the authority of Jesus and knowing Him verses those who appear to operate in signs and wonders but are inwardly full of corruption. Gary believes (Matthew 12:26) is a clear statement that nonbelievers do not carry the authority in which believers carry. Because of the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the works of the cross. When the disciples were mad about the man casting out demons using Jesus’ name, but Jesus told them to let the man anyway (Mark 9:39). I believe that this really doesn’t apply because of the blood sacrifice.

*Sorry for the background noise in some of the audio. We are working on some equipment upgrades*

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Posted November 28, 2021 - 0 comments - 185 views - 0 likes
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