Posted by Paul Crabtree
We'll be live streaming an interview with "Mr. Clark" over on our Rumble channel LATER TODAY at 2:30pm Pacific Time. You won't want to miss it! - https://www.elijahstreams.com/watch/watch.php?ID=929

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Join us this TUESDAY as Steve Shultz interviews Donna Rigney — LIVE RIGHT HERE — on Tuesday, July 6 at 11 AM Pacific Time. Donna will be discussing the greater days we are, encounters in the Ballroom of Heaven, a time of celebration and more! Please join us this TUESDAY with Donna Rigney!
Posted July 6, 2021 - 6 comments - 930 views - 44 likes
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6 Comments   |   Aaron Deonarine  and 43 others react this.
  • Trust 1776
    Trust 1776   ·  July 10, 2021
    Thanks for putting your videos on XAPiT
  • Rev Sly Walker
    Rev Sly Walker   ·  July 8, 2021
    • Rev Sly Walker
      Rev Sly Walker   ·  July 13, 2021
      Hi Don. Thanks. Same here. Honored and Humbled sir. What a blessing to be in our Father's family, huh?
    • Don Menefee
      Don Menefee   ·  July 8, 2021
      Hi Sly, I see you on a lot of the chat's and places I watch as well, just want to say hi. A lot of times on Elijah streams, I go by Remnant D over there. Regards!
  • Don Menefee
    Don Menefee   ·  July 7, 2021
    Donna's awesome, you can feel her anointing and she expresses God's love for us in ways I never thought of before. Her talking about a Gorilla pushing them in a swing in Heaven was so cool, what a land it must be to be one with the animals and they talk...  more
  • Wise Smith
    Wise Smith   ·  July 6, 2021
    This was so encouraging and wonderful about God's heart for us. Amazing!