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I saw a picture as I was praying of people hiding their true selves, not dealing with trauma or problems in their lives. It was hidden deep inside of them. And I saw many of them were ...
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I saw a picture as I was praying of people hiding their true selves, not dealing with trauma or problems in their lives. It was hidden deep inside of them. And I saw many of them were prophets. Then I saw as they opened their mouths, God's words began pouring out as one stream, but there was another stream at the same time; it was all their dysfunction and unresolved issues in their lives.
I said to the Lord, "What is this?" And He said, "As soon as you allow a portal to open in your life, that which is locked on the inside of you is released. It is not only My voice that will come forth but also that which has remained locked up inside. You are either open or you are closed; there is no in between! You might be able to hide things, but the door is open, and it reveals everything. Like water, you can't separate the pure from the muddy when it's all coming from the same place; it will just pour out!
"Hear me: If My prophets do not deal with that which is hidden on the inside of them, their prophetic voice will not be a pure one. It will sound like Me because I have spoken, but it will be polluted. They will leak My words with their wounds, and cause damage both to themselves and to those who hear."
I feel so strongly that the Lord is urging prophetic voices to deal with this right now. Don't let that stuff hide in the dark; let God's light heal it. Let Him bring it to the surface so He can remove it from you.
Don't worry about how it will look or your reputation; the only opinion that matters is God's, and He wants to set you free from anything hidden that might be holding you back. It's not just for His benefit but also for yours. He wants pure prophetic voices to release freedom with their words, with nothing else attached to them but Him! And He wants you to live in the freedom that His healing will bring to you.
Ephesians 5:13-14 (NIV): "But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. This is why it is said: ‘Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.'"
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May 2, 2024