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Have you ever had a word from God that made you laugh like Sarah and Abraham?
Remember, it was both of them who laughed, not just Sarah like so many like to highlight (Genesis 17:17;...
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Have you ever had a word from God that made you laugh like Sarah and Abraham?
Remember, it was both of them who laughed, not just Sarah like so many like to highlight (Genesis 17:17; Genesis 18:10–12). I can't remember if I've had a word that's made me laugh. I've certainly had a word that's made me cry. In fact, I've had a few of those—wonder what's in that? Each word that made me cry was a promise the Lord wanted to bring forth by a "yes" in my heart that would require a death to myself in order to obey and see His will on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Regardless of whether or not the promise and prophetic heart of God for us makes us laugh or cry, what matters is our response in faith. Will we obey? Will we believe to see what He has promised? With His promise comes His purpose. His purpose is always birthed His way.
Even though Sarah and Abraham both laughed at the ridiculous thought they would conceive and give birth in old age, they still believed and saw the promise fulfilled (Hebrews 11:11; Romans 4:18–21).
The Bible says faith works by love (Galatians 5:6). I propose that unless we truly love God and desire to see His will on Earth in our lives and others, the prophetic promise, or let me say our "faith," will not move us into action. We have to love God with all our hearts and all our strength to truly go God's way. Jesus said if you love Me, you will obey Me (see John 14:15). True faith is not just believing God will do what He has promised, but a heart that is willing to trust and believe Him enough to go His way.
His way can be uncomfortable for the flesh, and if we love our lives more than God, we will choose us. We will choose what's comfortable and then, sadly, deny the road of faith. Most promises of God are fulfilled in a contrary way than how we would have done it. Regardless, He is faithful, and that's all that's important.
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August 30, 2024